6 Savvy Marketing Strategies

Embark on a simplified road map through the dynamic landscape of RV dealership marketing, a narrative crafted for the RV industry yet resonating across all recreational sectors, where the road to success is as twisty as a mountain pass and the sea of possibilities is as vast as, well, the sea.

Picture this: RVs that range from cozy cocoons for weekend warriors to luxurious homes on wheels for the ultimate road tripper. With such a colorful cast of customers, how do you make your dealership shine brighter than a shooting star in the marketing galaxy?

Fear not, dear dealer! We’ve got your back with SIX seriously savvy strategies to rev up your sales, build a community of loyal fans, and even hook those elusive new customers.

1. Believe In Your Product

  • Know your stuff: Be the RV expert! Live the life.
  • Get pumped: Sell those RVs like they’re tickets to an awesome adventure (or a Taylor Swift concert).
  • Ask the happy campers: Their stories will make you believe in RV magic even more.

2. Get To Know Your Customer

Think of understanding your customers like decoding a treasure map – it’s the key to unlocking riches! Whether it’s retirees chasing cross-country dreams, young families hunting for holiday hideaways, or digital nomads searching for mobile offices, each group has its own dreams and desires. Oh, and let’s not forget our eco-conscious pals – they’re all about that sustainable RV life!

So, how do you crack the code?

  • Customer Surveys: Ask them questions and they shall answer. Find out what makes ’em tick.
  • Sales Data: Who’s buying what? Your sales records hold secrets.
  • Website Analytics: Google knows all – use it to peek into your visitors’ minds.
  • Social Media Insights: Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn – they’re not just for memes, you know. Dive into your followers’ interests.
  • Face-to-Face Chitchat: Nothing beats a good old-fashioned chat. Get talking with your customers and watch the insights roll in.
Utilizing the “right” marketing tactics can drive positive sales results for your dealership.

3. Keep Customers Coming Back

Did you know that 20% of your customers bring in a whopping 80% of your sales? So, how do you keep these golden geese laying those golden eggs?

Let’s find out:

  • After-Sales Service: The adventure doesn’t end when they drive off the lot – it’s just beginning. Keep ’em happy with top-notch repairs and service. Engage them in the service process with Service Tech Videos so they gain confidence in your service team. Happy campers = repeat customers.
  • Loyalty Programs: Who doesn’t love free stuff? Treat your customers like royalty with punch cards, points systems, and exclusive perks. Make ’em feel special, and they’ll keep coming back for more.
  • Communication & Engagement: Slide into their inbox with newsletters and emails. Or simply send them a text to remind them of upcoming service dates. Keep the conversation going and watch those bonds grow.
  • Simplify Processes. By automating many facets of your dealership – such as electronic signatures for service approvals – you’ll dramatically improve your customers experience plus you’ll eliminate paper costs and the hassle of tracking down a customer.

4. Expand Your Customer Base

Ready to cast your net and reel in some fresh faces? Let’s dive in:

  • Referral Programs: Word of mouth is king (& queen). Encourage your happy customers to spread the love. Offer them rewards for bringing newbies into the fold.
  • Community Involvement: Be the local hero. Sponsor events, host workshops, and get involved in your community. Show them you’re more than just a dealership – you’re family.
  • SEO and Content Marketing: Be the beacon in the vast ocean of the internet. Create killer content that’s easy to find and hard to resist. Answer their burning questions and watch ‘em flock to your site like seagulls to a french fry.

5. Drive Sales Growth

Ready to rev your engines and zoom towards success? Buckle up, ’cause we’re about to hit the accelerator.

  • Digital Marketing: From PPC (pay-per-click) ads to social media wizardry, conquer the digital realm and make your mark. Engage, entice, and watch those clicks turn into cash.
  • Traditional Marketing Tactics: Don’t count out the classics! Print ads, direct mail – they still pack a punch, especially with the older crowd. Dust off those brochures and let’s get physical.
  • Showroom Strategies: Roll out the red carpet and put on a show. Keep your showroom spick and span, and your staff sharp as a tack. Throw in some special events and watch those sales soar like an eagle.

6. Always Be Learning

  • Invest in ongoing education, whether through workshops, webinars, or industry conferences, to deepen your understanding of effective marketing techniques and refine your skills as a dealership marketer.
  • Talk with other dealerships and find out what’s working for them in the areas of marketing.


Navigating the ever-evolving world of RV dealership marketing can feel like an epic journey, but with the right strategies, you’re equipped to drive success. By believing in your product, understanding your customers, and continuously learning and adapting, you’ll build a loyal customer base and keep your sales engine running smoothly. Embrace these six strategies, and you’ll not only enhance your dealership’s visibility but also create a thriving community of RV enthusiasts.

Happy selling, adventurers!

Kristin Johnson

Kristin Johnson

Digital Marketing & Content Manager

Kristin Johnson is the Digital Marketing & Content Manager at Lightspeed, where she leverages her extensive experience in communication, marketing, and planning to drive the company's digital presence. Kristin began her career in information technology, quickly mastering time management and problem-solving skills. Although she transitioned away from the technical side, she found her true passion in supporting leaders and organizations across various sectors. Kristin's diverse background includes significant contributions to non-profits and government agencies, where she helped these entities navigate growth and change. Her exceptional skills in communication and marketing have consistently enabled her to find creative and efficient solutions. One of her standout achievements was managing the brand development and event planning for a historic county building that housed unique non-profits and public spaces, leaving a lasting impact on the community. This work earned her an Emmy nomination for the creative content developed to promote the building. Outside of her professional accomplishments, Kristin is happily married and the proud mother of a successful college-aged son and a dynamic almost 13-year-old daughter. At Lightspeed, she continues to grow and embrace new challenges, using her insights to support her team and customers while exploring new adventures in the digital marketing landscape.

Lightspeed is the #1 Dealer Management Solution used within the Recreation industry for a good reason. We provide a completely integrated solution for dealers, OEMs and their customers. Our goal is to help you operate your business more efficiently and profitably so you can spend more time doing what you love.

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